Orlando Insurance Claim Attorney

Get to Know Your Florida Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

Know What’s Covered in Your  Florida Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

As a Florida homeowner, you probably know you have a homeowner’s insurance policy that covers specific losses, damages, and injuries that could occur at your home.  However, beyond that general knowledge, you might not be aware of stipulations, limits, and exclusions that could affect your ability to get enough (or any) money from your insurance company to cover replacement, repair, and/or medical costs following a severe storm, fire, or accident at your home.

As an experienced insurance claim attorney, I’ve seen far too many Florida homeowners shocked to find out that their insurance companies will not cover the cost of all of the repairs needed at their home following damage from a storm or other calamity.  That’s why I suggest reading your policy thoroughly and consulting with a Florida insurance attorney if you have questions or concerns about your policy.

How Quickly Does Your Florida Insurance Company Handle Claims?

The claims process can be very confusing, especially if damage has been extensive and you’ve had to vacate your home.  Typically, an adjustor will have to examine the damage, and you’ll need approval from your insurance company before you can schedule repair work.

Meanwhile,  water and mold can do further damage, and your insurance company might refuse to cover repair costs.  This is definitely a time when you need a Florida insurance attorney to help you get compensated fairly for the damages caused by delays in the claim approval and repair processes.

Who Does the Repair Work for Your Florida Homeowner’s Insurance Policy?

Another thing you should be aware of is how your insurance company covers repairs.  Today, some companies are providing contractors to handle repairs to your home rather than letting you choose.   Some companies contract with a network of approved repair contractors, while others have created their own repair companies.

This method of handling repairs might sound beneficial to Florida homeowners, but what it means is that you do not get the insurance payment and right to choose the contractors who will be working on your home.  If the insurance company’s contractors cut corners to save money and you end up with shoddy repairs, what recourse do you have but to seek legal action?

As I said in a recent Sun Sentinel article on this topic, the relationship between insurance companies and their network of home repair contractors presents “an inherent conflict of interest” that will probably result in more Florida homeowner’s insurance lawsuits.

If You’re Having Trouble with Your Insurance Company

If you have  concerns about your policy or problems with your insurance company, talk to an experienced Orlando homeowner’s insurance attorney.  At Malik Law, we understand how insurance companies, insurance policies, and the law work and will fight for your rights.

Call us today at 407-500-1000 or submit the Free Case Evaluation form on our website for a free consultation with one of our expert insurance attorneys.

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