What Florida Homeowners Insurance Companies Say
While those of us in Central Florida waited apprehensively for Hurricane Irma to make its way up the state, insurance companies pre-emptively sent homeowner policy owners email messages to let them know they were ready to help out if Hurricane Irma damaged their homes. The messages informed Florida homeowners that their insurance companies have phone lines and web pages for reporting damage from Hurricane Irma, claim adjusters ready to assess the damage, and lists of preferred contractors for repairing damage.
It sounds as if they’re all set to help out, and you’re all set because you have a Florida homeowners’ insurance policy. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case.
What Florida Homeowners Insurance Companies Do
Too often, getting ahold of your insurance company to report hurricane damage is difficult and time-consuming. Then, you need a claim adjuster to assess the damage quickly so you can get your home repaired and avoid further permanent damage, but there are not enough adjusters to handle the work load. To make matters worse, your insurance company states it will not cover repair costs for a lot of the damage because it happened after the hurricane hit or as a result of flooding, not wind.
What You Can Do
Before you call your homeowners insurance company, contact an experienced insurance attorney. Alternatively, if you have already filed a claim but aren’t getting any response, call a homeowners insurance attorney as soon as possible.
At Malik Law, our expert Florida hurricane damage attorneys can take care of your claim from start to finish. We know how to talk with insurance company representatives and adjustors to make sure you get immediate attention, and we know how to file your claim so you get paid the maximum amount for all damage to your property.
Our Orlando insurance claim attorneys can also advise you on what you should do to prevent further damage to your home and property. Most insurance policies require you to take steps to prevent more damage after a storm, and we want to make sure you proceed carefully and effectively. We also want to make sure you receive the full amount to which you’re entitled so you can make all necessary repairs, replace what you’ve lost, and get back to living your life.
For peace of mind and compassionate, expert help during this time of post-Irma recovery, contact Malik Law today. You can reach us 24/7 online or at 407-500-1000.