If you live in the Orlando area and haven’t yet boarded up your windows and stocked up on water, you still have time to prepare for Hurricane Dorian. Here’s our list of five simple steps you can take to stay safe during the storm:
1. Store Water, Food and Other Essentials
Make sure you have sufficient water and food on hand for 3 – 5 days. If bottled water is no longer available, buy juices and other drinks and as Hurricane Dorian approaches, fill pitchers, clean gallon jugs and large pots with tap water. Stock up on non-perishable food, such as peanut butter and canned goods, and make sure you have a manual can opener. Also collect necessary supplies, such as flashlights, batteries, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, plastic bags, basic tools, daily medications, and anti-bacterial ointment, and put them in a safe, convenient location.
2. Charge Electronic Devices and Portable Chargers
Before, during, and after the storm, access to information and the ability to communicate with others will be essential. Therefore, it’s important to make sure all of your portable electronic devices are fully charged and readily accessible.
3. Have a Plan for Family and Pet Safety
Determine the safest part of your home and the closest shelter and make sure all family members know when and where to meet as well as what their responsibilities are before and during the storm. If you have pets, decide where they will be sheltered and include provisions for their well-being with your other essential items. If you have loose items (e.g., pots for plants, lightweight tables and chairs, children’s toys), bring them inside.
4. Monitor the Storm’s Progress
Following the news on Hurricane Dorian’s progress is important so your family knows when to seek safe shelter. Local news outlets, weather channels, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Hurricane Center are all good sources of information.
5. Keep Your Insurance Policy Handy
If your property is damaged during the storm, you’ll need to contact your insurance company to have the damage assessed and file a claim. Having your policy and insurance company contact information handy for reference is very helpful during times of stress following a storm. If you have time before the storm hits, it’s also a good idea to take photos of your home’s interior and exterior to be able to show the extent of damage to your insurance company representative.
Hopefully, our homes will not be damaged and we will all make it through Hurricane Dorian safely. However, if your property is damaged and you need help with your insurance claim, please contact me as soon as possible. At Malik Law, our expert Florida hurricane damage attorneys have successfully helped hundreds of clients from Orlando and throughout the state of Florida file insurance claims and get compensated fairly for damages from their insurance companies.
Helpful Sources:
Direct Energy. (2016). Hurricane preparedness checklist.
Florida Division of Emergency Management. (2019). Shelters.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Hurricane Center. (2019). Hurricane Dorian.
Orlando Sentinel. (2019). Hurricane preparedness.