Orlando Car Accidents and Injuries

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Car Accidents and Crash Injuries in Orlando Continue to Increase

For the past five years, we have been experiencing a steady increase in the number of car accidents, injuries, and fatalities in Orange County.  While the number of deaths from automobile crashes has increased from 124 to 182 (31.87%) during this time period, the total number of crashes has exceeded 30,000 and the number of injuries has exceeded 21,000, as shown in the following chart.

With population growth and increasing tourism, the trend does not seem likely to change, so those of us who live in the Orlando area need to be extremely cautious when we drive.  We also need to know what to do if we are injuried in an automobile accident.

If You’ve Been in an Automobile Accident

If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident in Orlando or the surrounding area, you should immediately contact the police and emergency personnel to get the medical attention you need.  If you’re able to communicate, the police will ask you about the accident.  At this time, it is not advisable to admit fault or place blame, since your judgment could be impaired due to emotional distress and confusion.

Your main concern will be to get the medical attention you need.  However, you should also notify your insurance company about the accident and document the details of the accident, if possible.  A copy of the police report and information about the other driver could be important to you later on.  In addition, pictures of the damage and any injuries could be useful if you need to file a personal injury claim.

Florida Automobile Insurance

You might be under the impression that your Florida Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance will cover your expenses.  Unfortunately, this may not be the case.  Your insurance could very well pay only 80% of your medical bills and 60% of any wages you lose due to the accident.

At Malik Law, we’ve found that the financial compensation paid by Personal Injury Protection insurance generally isn’t enough to cover expenses for people seriously injured in car accidents. You could be suffering from injuries and loss and have to worry about mounting medical expenses.

We want to help you get the financial compensation you need to pay for your losses.  This includes present and future medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering.

Orlando Automobile Accident Attorneys

Often insurance companies try to downplay the seriousness of injuries and the amount needed to compensate automobile accident victims.  They might try to settle with victims without taking into account all of their medical expenses, lost wages, and suffering.

At Malik Law, our experienced automobile accident attorneys can help you avoid this re-victimization by insurance companies.  We are committed to helping you recover the maximum compensation you deserve for the injuries you’ve suffered and the care you need.

For the help you need to deal with insurance companies and expenses following a serious automobile accident injury, contact the compassionate, experienced personal injury attorneys at Malik Law.  You can reach us 24/7 online or at 407-500-1000.

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