Malik Law Wins Big Against Citizens Insurance on Appraisal Issue

In what is a landmark ruling, Malik Law recently prevailed against Citizens Insurance regarding their new appraisal demands on water remediation claims. Respected Judge Flury in Leon County agreed with Plaintiff’s argument that appraisal cannot be applicable to emergency service measures provided as a result of a sudden water loss.

The argument has morphed into an extremely technical and complicated arguing regarding policy language in various parts of Citizens policy. Fortunately, Judge Flury understood the merits of the argument very well and issued an Order denying Defendant’s Motion to Compel Appraisal. Another important factor is Leon County is where Citizens is headquartered and therefore a jurisdiction that all claims against Citizens can be properly filed for jurisdictional purposes. Therefore, we will continue to follow this path for all our clients on this matter to try and put an end to Citizens wrongful demand for appraisal on these types of claims.

If you are experiencing similar issues with Citizens, please contact me immediately to discuss representation on the matter. The consultation and representation is no cost to you! Click here to view the order.

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