What to Do When Your Florida Home Insurance Claim is Denied

No one wants to think their insurance company will refuse to pay for damage to their property from fire, wind, or water, but all too often people in Florida are dismayed when they find out that is the case. With hurricane season almost here, now is a good time to review what to do in case your Florida home insurance claim is denied.

Review Your Claim and Your Florida Homeowners Policy

When communicating with insurance company representatives, knowledge is power.  So before you contact your insurance company to question, complain, and dispute their denial, thoroughly re-read your claim and your policy to try to understand why your claim was denied.

You should have received a notice from your insurer indicating that your claim was denied and stating the reason(s) why. If you did not receive this information, call your insurance agent and request it be sent to you.  According to the Florida Homeowner Claims Bill of Rights passed by the Florida Legislature, you have the right to receive full settlement for your claim, payment of the undisputed portion of your claim, or denial of your claim within 90 days of submitting a complete proof-of-loss statement.

Read the notice carefully, looking for the reason(s) your claim was denied. Did the adjuster omit or understate some of the damage your property sustained?  Did you neglect to submit thorough documentation of the damage?  Is your insurer claiming that the cause of the damage is not a covered cause? If the reason(s) for the denial is unclear, be sure to ask for an explanation and document all communications with insurance company representatives.

Get Help from an Experienced Florida Insurance Claim Attorney

At this point, you should consider getting help from an experienced Florida insurance claim attorney. Attorneys who work with disputed and denied claims every day know the nuances and ambiguities of insurance policies as well as the strategies companies use to justify paying as little as possible in claims.

An experienced Florida insurance claim attorney from Malik Law will limit your stress, frustration, and anxiety by dealing with the insurance company for you.  We will interpret the language of your policy, navigate the procedural and communication barriers inherent in dealing with insurance company representatives, negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf, and, if needed, build a strong case to win a lawsuit in court.

Get the Results You Want with Help from an Experienced Florida Insurance Claim Attorney

Without an experienced insurance claim attorney helping you, you could end up spending a lot of time trying to appeal your insurer’s denial and still come up empty-handed. Insurance companies have the resources and systems in place to make appeals very difficult, even if you enlist the help of the Florida Department of Financial Services Division of Consumer Services.

In contrast, a knowledgeable, experienced insurance claim attorney will

  • Cut through the red tape and expedite the appeals process for you.
  • Use his legal expertise and authority as well as his knowledge of insurance industry language and communication processes to get results.
  • Employ sophisticated, persuasive negotiation skills to advocate for a satisfactory settlement.
  • Put his experiential knowledge of strategies that win insurance claim disputes to work for you.
  • Use his authority and expertise to sue and litigate successfully on your behalf, if necessary.

If your claim for covered damages has been denied, please don’t hesitate to contact the experienced Florida insurance claim attorneys at Malik Law.  Call us at 407.500.1000 or submit the Free Case Evaluation form on our website for friendly, knowledgeable legal help.



Florida Legislature.  The 2018 Florida Statutes.  Title XXXVII. Ch. 627.7142 Homeowner Claims Bill of Rights. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/

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